Olivia Kuo was born in Orange County, California and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. She developed an early passion for art in kindergarten, where her family and teachers soon recognized her gift. She continued her artistic pursuits with increasing dedication and went to Fu-Shin Art School, one of the best art high school in Taiwan. After graduated, Olivia Kuo moved to New York City in 2006 to study at the School of Visual Arts. She launched her career in New York City with her first solo show in 2009 and had attended multiple group exhibitions since.

Her paintings and mixed media pieces are created in layers of pastels and different acrylic mediums, etc. By keeping the composition simple, she focuses on balancing colors, values, and texture. Olivia Kuo continues to remember and honor her cultural roots through her eastern subject matters. The natural colors inspired by her native country, as well as the different cultures she has encountered through her travel, dominates and inspires her art.

After developing her concentration on landscapes, she has shifted towards abstracts. Olivia Kuo combines movement and meditation with a distinct voice and refreshing originality. She tries to convey a story or invokes a certain emotion in each of her works because she believes that art is one of the purest forms of communication. Through sharing these narratives and memories, she hopes to evoke feelings and captivate the complexities of the human emotions. With each viewing experience effectively acting as a mirror, reflecting the most profound, most intimate sentiment of the viewer.